Guardianship requires caring for a disabled person’s financial and emotional needs, among other things. The Court may question your ability to handle this responsibility, and as a result, you should not attempt to file for guardianship without first consulting an experienced Guardianship Attorney. Your attorney can help you prepare the petition, and help you collect evidence to support your request. In addition, your lawyer can help you avoid unnecessary disputes, by ensuring that the petition meets all the legal requirements of the law. A lawyer specializing in this field can also assist you with setting up a special needs trust if appropriate, which allows a loved one to receive the high quality of care that they deserve while protecting any public benefits they are entitled to under state law.
It’s not uncommon for family members to be faced with the need to take on the guardianship of a loved one. This is especially true of elderly family members who begin to show signs of mental decline, or children who are about to reach the age of adulthood. In these cases, a Guardianship Attorney can help you prepare the necessary paperwork to apply to the court for custody of your loved one. A good Guardianship Attorney can also explain the various types of Guardianship that the Court may appoint. For instance, the Court can appoint a conservatorship for an individual’s property, while a guardianship is often necessary when an incapacitated individual can no longer make or communicate decisions on their own.
Having a strong Guardianship Attorney is important for the success of your case, as it will allow you to present your argument in a way that is most likely to convince the Judge to approve your request. This is because the legal system is complex and interpreting all of the laws, regulations, procedures, and implications of this type of case can be difficult. The best Guardianship Attorney will be able to simplify the process for you, and give you peace of mind knowing that your case is in good hands. If you are looking for a skilled Guardianship Attorney, visit for guidance and Free Consultation!
If you are interested in learning more about how an experienced Guardianship Attorney can help you, please contact us today. The Chicago Probate Attorneys at Davis and Associates have decades of experience helping families enact the proper legal tools for adults with special needs, and in protecting those guardianships against legal challenges. We have offices throughout the Chicago metro area, Westchester County, and Long Island. We offer free initial advice, so call now to schedule your appointment. We look forward to hearing from you.